Team TRUE hosted our first ever TRUE Tournament, The Original Cup (or 'OG Cup' for short) at Circling Raven Golf Club and the Couer d'Alene Resort and Casino in Worley, Idaho June 11th-13th, 2022. All of the elements were in play; heat, wind, sun - and the primary challenge, an absolute down pouring of rain over the 3-day weekend - but we would not have had it any other way.
It was a blast to host the almost 100 player field -- 2-person teams hailing from near and far for the 54-hole best-ball competition. Players arrived for registration beginning Friday morning; excited faces, greetings and awesome swag was gifted out as players checked-in for their first tournament round. Tee times kicked off on Friday afternoon - it was blowing pretty good, but the course was in supreme shape and players were challenged with the full 6300 yards of tournament golf at the prestigious Circling Raven Golf Club. Golf wrapped up Day 1 and there were some pretty low net and gross team scores posted for the day. The first night was laid back as all enjoyed the amenities and casino at Couer d'Alene hotel and casino.

Day 2 of the OG cup started early the next morning and the day opened up to gorgeous weather. A full day was ahead with up to two rounds, a putting challenge, event dinner and a night KP contest. The AM round went swimmingly through the morning -- players enjoyed a bite to eat at the Twisted Earth Grill at Circling Raven and were able to take their shot at the 1-putt challenge putt contest for swag and prizes. Players that were up for the bonus skins round got back out on the course for a shotgun start on the front! The round was off to a great start, it was a beautiful afternoon, and then weather rolled in...
Most that started the skins finished and there were some amazing scores but all OG Cuppers were stoked for the big dinner at the Circling Raven Pavilion. The OG Cup Trophy and prizes were on full display in the evening and the Coeur d'Alene casino Prime Rib and Salmon dinner hit the spot.

And then there was the night KP contest. For the first time ever, Circling Raven lit up the 10th green and created a special path for willing challengers to take their shot at the 206 yard shot through the trees. Oh and did we mention that the weather was a torrential downpour?! Still, brave souls, one at a time, walked in to the night elements and took their shot. The smart ones, stayed cozy under the pavilion by the heat lamps, cheering comrades along and enjoying the commentator's 'gracious callouts and compliments' over the outdoor PA.

Unfortunately the weather did not improve on Day 3 but competitors were able to dig in and finish out the soggy 3rd and final tournament round. Lucky players had packed for this possibility but even the best rain gear was barely able to withstand the weather that this June day brought in Worely, Idaho.
As teams started to finish, players on the course started to grind to see if they could place in the top 8 for a payout -- in the end Net and Gross Champion Teams were crowed!
Anthony Thomas and Taylor Hull were the 1st OG Cup Net Champions with a score of significant -27 over the 54-holes, dominating the Net Division.

And Stephen Braun and Jason Moore were the 1st OG Cup Gross Champions with a score of -14 over the 54-holes, clinching the victory by 1 stroke.
We couldn't have been more thrilled with the way our first event turned out. So much, in fact, that we're stoked to announce our next event; the Lux Championship (October 21st through 23rd) on the beautiful Monterey Peninsula with 2 rounds of golf at the prestigious Poppy Hills GC.
This is an extremely limited field of 30 total teams, so secure your spot today while supplies last.